Regensburg bridge tower, Regensburg, eastern Bavaria, Germany


德国的研究’ mission is to enhance students’ ability to speak, 理解, 读, and write German; to function well in a German-speaking environment; and to become enlightened, knowledgeable students of the culture of the German-speaking world.


Learning German at Centre is an exciting adventure in a culture that has helped shape our modern world. Your 教授 in the German program believe in helping you to reach both language and cultural fluency through a variety of experiences that integrate German, 奥地利, and Swiss culture into the classroom and you'll be able to visit, 享受, 研究, 工作, and live in these countries. You'll come to appreciate masterpieces of German literature and 工作s of great philosophers, 神学家, and other thinkers in the original language.


The German program develops proficiency in writing, speaking, 读ing, and listening to German. Students who enroll in all levels are exposed to German culture through history and the contemporary world with specific emphasis on literature, literary comprehension, 分析, and interpretation.



Experiential Learning

Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

Through the Centre 研究 abroad program, students can immerse themselves in German university life at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Bavaria. Students often choose to further their German fluency in cities such as Berlin, 弗莱堡, 慕尼黑, 和特里尔.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Students looking for the opportunity to gain 工作 experience can apply for a summer internship in Germany. 实习 are available in a variety of fields, including social services, 农业, 医学, 业务, 照顾孩子, government and engineering.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and 科学s 教育 prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

German majors have pursued careers in 业务, 通信, 教育, government services, 科学, and the travel industry. Some have obtained jobs as archivists, 编辑器, foreign correspondents, language interpreters, 律师, 教授, and technical liaisons to U.S. 公司在国外.

德国的研究 教师

Lady with dark hair pulled back in ponytail wearing black top in front of beige wall


  • Assistant Professor of German • Fulbright and DAAD Fellowship Advisor
  • Co-Chair of African and African American Studies
  • Chair, German, Chinese, and Japanese
Man with dark hair with beard wearing glasses, dark suit coat and light blue shirt standing in front of black background

伊恩·W. 威尔逊

  • H. W. 小Stodghill. 阿黛尔·H. Stodghill Professor of German
  • Assistant Dean of General Education

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